A Call to Action: The 9th Brazilian Congress of Cinema and Audiovisual's Open Letter for a Stronger Independent Audiovisual Industry

In a defining moment for Brazil's vibrant cinema and audiovisual sector, the 9th Brazilian Congress of Cinema and Audiovisual (CBCa) has issued a compelling open letter. This document is not just a summary of concerns but a roadmap for the future, advocating for regulatory reforms, economic sustainability, and cultural diversity. Stay tuned as we delve into the essence of this call to action, a beacon of hope for the future of Brazilian storytelling.

Luiz Carlos Dumont

12/14/20233 min read

Highlighting a Momentous Call for Change in Brazilian Cinema

The 9th Brazilian Congress of Cinema and Audiovisual (CBCa) has recently issued an open letter that underscores the critical juncture faced by the Brazilian independent audiovisual industry. Gathering more than 50 entities representing various sectors across Brazil, this congress, held in Brasília, marks a defining moment for the future of Brazilian cinema and audiovisual arts.

A Rich History of Contribution and Current Challenges

Historically, the CBCa has been a unifying force, engaging with different players in the film industry to address challenges and shape an agenda for the Brazilian state. Their contributions, including the proposal for the creation of the National Cinema Agency, have been significant. However, the industry now faces a new set of challenges, necessitating urgent and sustained action.

Economic Impact and Cultural Significance

The audiovisual sector, beyond its considerable economic impact, plays a vital role in promoting and enriching the cultural identity of Brazil. The CBCa's letter emphasizes this, citing the sector's contribution of R$ 245 billion to the Brazilian GDP in 2019, creating 126,500 direct jobs and contributing significantly to tax revenues. Furthermore, Brazil stands as one of the top five global markets in audiovisual consumption, signifying vast potential for growth.

Urgency in Regulating Streaming Platforms

A crucial issue highlighted is the regulation of streaming platforms, which have been operating in Brazil without any regulation since 2013. This lack of regulation poses risks to policies built over the last 30 years and jeopardizes the future of the industry. The CBCa calls for legislation that ensures visibility of Brazilian content on these platforms, supports the independent audiovisual industry, guarantees property rights to Brazilian companies, and promotes diversity in production.

Reviving the Brazilian Film Quota System

The CBCa stresses the importance of reinstating the film quota system in cinemas and on TV, a crucial regulatory tool that has proven its effectiveness in supporting Brazilian cinema. This system, which mandates a certain percentage of screen time for national films, is vital for ensuring that Brazilian cinema can compete effectively in both domestic and international markets.

A Strategy for the Future

Looking forward, the CBCa urges the government and other stakeholders to prioritize the development of the audiovisual sector. This includes modernizing public management, revising norms, and investing in the formation of qualified technicians and improved labor relations. These steps are essential for fostering a robust, inclusive, and innovative audiovisual industry.

A Call for Collective Action

The letter concludes with a call to action for the government, parliamentarians, governors, mayors, and cultural practitioners across Brazil. It emphasizes the role of Brazilian audiovisual content in representing society and contributing to a culturally rich, socially just, and economically robust nation.

Final Thoughts: A Vision for Brazil

The 9th CBCa's open letter is a powerful testament to the aspirations of the Brazilian audiovisual industry. It envisions a democratic, diverse Brazil that sees itself reflected on screen, overcomes social inequalities, and voices peace and development on the global stage. This vision, driven by a rich cultural citizenship, lays the foundation for a future where Brazilian cinema and audiovisual content not only thrive but lead on the world stage.

Read the full open letter here.

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